Sunday, May 30, 2010

Windows x64 build is available!

Armen announced Windows x64 build available on nightly build.


  • This built on VC++ 2010. (x86 build still uses VC++ 2005SP1)
  • installer is 32-bit. So installer path becomes same x86 by default, and registry is 32-bit. I am investigating about workaround for this.
  • jemalloc is disable now. Ted is reviewing my patch for VC++ 2005 and VC++ 2008. About for VC++2010, see bug 563316
  • comm-central tree is available to build x64 building. I am not owner for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey, so I don't know when they start building x64.

If you found new problem, please file a bug to bugzilla!