Several years, we had not maintained profile migration code. On Firefox 4 source code, we had unused migrators such as OmniWeb (not working!), iCab (not working!!) and Camino (not working!!!). Also, localized files had konqueror, epiphany and galeon..
But, from Firefox 11...
Firefox 11
- Added Google Chrome migrator
This migrator supports bookmakrs, histories and cookies. And it may support signon data on Windows if possible. This migrator uses async database and file functions, so migration is faster than migrations for other web browsers. - Remove Opera migrator
Current implementation of Opera profile migration is broken. Although this is written for Opera 6!, this doesn't work on the latest Opera. So we will remove this on Firefox 11.
Firefox 12 and feature
- More support Google Chrome migrator It will support preferences and signon data for Mac and Linux
- New Opera migrator
I am rewriting new opera migator. This uses async operation as possible and fit with new Gecko code. I will land on Firefox 12 train.